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COVID-19 Update - 3/20/22

Only DCG's are permitted to visit on Unit D. We have two new positive contacts over the weekend. Residents remain well and asymptomatic. We are awaiting direction from Public Health and the Medical Officer of Health on the testing/swabbing schedule for staff and residents. Units A, B and C remain open to all visitors. D unit is open to two consistent DCG's only - NO additional visitors.

Please consider a rapid test before you visit Oakwood. We will no longer be offering PCR testing for staff and families.

Staff have moved to regular rapid testing. Community COVID activity remains a concern hence the importance of regular rapid testing for the health and safety of the residents at Oakwood. It is equally important that staff and visitors remain out of the facility with any symptom of a sore throat, new headache, chills, fever, etc. Even a new mild symptom could be a concern. Thank you for your support and understanding. We will update once we have a plan in place with Public Health.

COVID-19 Update - 4/4/22

Update - 3/11/22